Executive Hangar Timer
The timer follows a repeating cycle with three phases:
- Red Phase: All lights start red and turn green one by one every 24 minutes. This phase lasts 2 hours.
DO NOT INSERT COMPBOARDS during this phase. - Green Phase: Once all lights are green, they turn off one by one every 12 minutes. This phase lasts 1 hour.
During this phase, YOU CAN INSERT COMPBOARDS and open the hangar. - Black Phase: After all lights are off, there is a 5-minute delay before the cycle resets.
The lights can also appear off when someone has already inserted all the compboards.
From my testing in the 4.0.1 preview, I found this timer universal across all shards and regions. So this site is meant to save time flying to the hangar to check the timer.
If the hangar is black while the timer says it is green phase, this is due to the hangar being opened by another player already! This DOES NOT affect the timer.
BUG: I have noticed the lights are sometimes all black despite the door not being open so no one has been there already. I am not sure if this is a glitch or just something I do not understand. Regardless I recommend going to a different hangar.